pokój dziecka - Who dies? Puzzle! Explained - true version!


Who dies? Puzzle! Explained - true version!








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BlackZero Rs

    Dyskusja, komentarze:
  • but gravity will increas the power of the first ball [W P] wish will mean that C is dead - ali mahfoud
  • +sergio nagata Mira aquí alguien le puso animación, agrega un detalle importante, el brinco por reacción cuando la bola llega a la horizontal en D, eso le devuelve un poco de altura cuando llega al balancín sin embargo sigue siendo insuficiente, además la parábola descrita recorta el brazo de palanca en su contra. - Vladimir Laguna
  • It depends on the weight of the ball that E pushes. If it is light, then nobody dies, as it isn't heavy enough to set the seasaw into action, and the hole in the ball could roll over D's head. - EqullyFar
  • D and C will definitely be dead because the boundlers will be much heavier than what your making them out to be and there is no room for D to really duck... because this isn't the real image the one i've seen is with D sitting on some sort of chair higher up which doesn't leave any room to duck his head, also in real life the boulder on the plank would of been propelled up in the air by the one pushed which may land on E or go over the edge of the wall and kill B.. or it could just land near the bottom of the slant between D and E then roll back down again THEN it will be stopped by the other boulder and the wall. - FlyingMonkies325
  • wrong in 'true reality' person D wouldve ducked xD - Buejay Duo
  • when e pushes the ball the cut that is in the ball will save d and since ur talking bout gravity even though it hits the seesaw it only lifts the ball near b a little bit because the ball near b is heavier than the ball that is pushed by e so that means NO ONE DIES :D - karlo cabrera
  • Try not to trust people when they say they've got the objective truth. You're making assumptions about how heavy the balls are and how hard it's pushed. - Elliott Collins
  • Is true reality like, the reality i know? Or is it some different 2D reality where everyone's black and can't move? Well either way, there's a grid there, so it must be accurate! It's lacking any unit of measurement, but that's ok, they're probably using the imperial system anyways. - Crimson Bort
  • Doesn't that depend on the weight of the balls? - Håvard H
  • D would moves down he's head - computerchy1980
  • MOST TRUE VERSION https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205320364475248&set=o.558239777623877&type=1&theater¬if_t=like  - Brian Archer
  • What the bloody hell? - GOWRI SANKAR
  • all dies EBOLA STRIKE - Antonio Bruncic
  • EBOLA - Cesar Faz
  • Who will die ? - Ile Danilov
  • Actually they all died because of ebola... - XstylePheonyX
  • Array - BlackZero Rs
  • WHO DIES #2 HAS BEEN RELEASED! https://www.facebook.com/1493372290931104/photos/a.1493389347596065.1073741830.1493372290931104/1500746743526992/?type=1&theater  - Brian Archer
  • I knew it - Saeed Abdullah

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